*To login, please use the credentials you use to log into your Chromebook at this time.
Yorkville CUSD 115 School District’s User Guide
Logging Into StudentVUE
Click the following link: StudentVUE Dashboard Login
- If you receive a message warning you that you need to enable pop-ups, allow them.
Click on the banner that displays on either the top or bottom of your screen.
Select Always Allow pop-ups from this site.
Then, use the credentials you use to log into your Chromebook.
To login, please use the credentials you use to log into your Chromebook at this time.
Forgot Your Password?
- Click the Forgot Password button and proceed with the options available.
- If you are still experiencing difficulties, contact your student’s school building for assistance.
StudentVUE Home Screen
- Messages
Lists messages from teacher(s).
- Note: Messages will also route to the email address associate with your account.
It is recommended that students use the calendar listed on the district website. Students in grades 7-12 should reference the Canvas app for up-to-date assignment information.
Class Schedule
Lists student schedule and homeroom information.-
Teachers can be contacted by clicking the name link or the envelope icon.
Student Information
Displays demographic information, including transportation.