Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)
All District 115 schools use consistent practices to identify students and address their specific needs based on their response to instruction. Any staff member or parent/guardian can recommend that a student be considered for intervention. A team of educational professionals reference available data to determine the appropriate level of intervention support for referred students.
Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) is a multi-tier approach to the early
identification and support of students with learning, social emotional, and behavioral
needs. The MTSS process begins with high-quality instruction and universal screening
of all children in the general education classroom. Through this screening process,
students are provided with intervention opportunities to show growth. Progress
monitoring provides the data needed to identify a student’s response to such
interventions and this data is used to drive academic, social-emotional, and behavioral decisions.
District 115’s MTSS process is one where all stakeholders support student success.
Appropriately identified staff will create a personalized intervention plan that will
support students’ success in the educational setting. The plan will be reviewed and
monitored on an ongoing basis until the team determines the student is able to
perform without such support or believes greater support is necessary. In order to
meet this goal, each building facilitates meetings when a student is not responding at
an appropriate rate to interventions. Parents are an important part of the MTSS and Problem Solving Process and will be included in meetings.