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Skills Training and Related Services - STARS Program

The Skills Training and Related Services program (STARS) provides educational and related services within a public school setting to students in preschool through eighth grade who could benefit from a highly structured, centered-based approach teaching social skills and emotional regulation, and providing for specific sensory needs. The program uses a variety of research-based methods to provide each student with an individualized program in a classroom setting. These evidence-based methods include, but are not limited to, applied behavior analysis (task analysis, forward/backward chaining, shaping, discrete trial, pivotal response, and antecedent support), naturalistic teaching, schedules, structured teaching, augmentative and alternative communication support, picture exchange communication systems, sensory regulation, behavior supports, and social skills training. The program is not simply for one diagnosis. Students who require highly structured, explicit instructional practice related to social skills, emotional regulation, communication, and frequent sensory input benefit from the program. STARS School Supplies List

Program Goals

  • To provide differentiated instruction in a public school setting structured to address the unique needs of students identified with autism spectrum disorders
  • To provide opportunities for integrated activities with general education peers
  • To address academic, social, communication, behavioral, and functional needs of students identified with autism spectrum disorders
  • To maximize independent and socially-appropriate functioning in the school, home, and community

Entrance Criteria

  • Evaluation and special education eligibility
  • Determination by the school-based IEP team that the resources available in the student’s home school or district cannot meet the student’s educational needs
  • The school-based IEP team determination that placement in the STARS program is appropriate

Exit Criteria

  • A student may exit the STARS program based upon the IEP team’s determination that another program would better address the student’s needs  
  • A student will exit the STARS program upon the determination that he/she is no longer eligible for special education services
  • A student may exit the STARS program if the parent chooses to discontinue services

Available STARS Classrooms

  • STARS Early Childhood Classroom: Ages 3-5  
  • STARS Elementary Classroom: Grades K-6
  • STARS Junior High School Classroom: Grades 7-8


Related services are provided to STARS program students according to their IEP.