Public Involvement at Board Meetings


    How are board meetings conducted?

    Each meeting follows an agenda, which establishes a sequence of events for the meetings. The meeting is conducted by the board president based on a combination of board policy, Robert’s Rules of Order, common sense, and courtesy. Meetings can be several hours depending on the contents of the agenda.

    Are board of education meetings open to the public?

    Generally, board meetings are open to the public. By law, all board discussion and deliberations must be conducted in public except for certain matters including specified personnel, negotiations, and a few other specific legal matters that may be discussed in closed session. However, all official board action (voting) must occur in public. Note: The board cannot take action on an item that is not on the agenda.

    Are District 115 residents allowed to comment during the meeting?

    There are specific times noted on the agenda when public comments are received. Comments are not restricted to items on the agenda, however, not all comments are appropriate for open session.

    Will board members answer questions during public comment?

    Typically, members of the board do not engage in dialogue with the public during its meetings. If the question is in regard to an items on the agenda, the board may answer the question while that agenda item is being discussed. The board may also direct administration to follow-up on individual questions outside of the board meeting.

    Will the board resolve the concerns brought before it at the meeting?

    The board rarely can be expected to act immediately on an issue brought before it for the first time. Even with more familiar issues, the board takes action only after it thoroughly examines all aspects of a matter. Individuals may, however, expect the board to act as promptly as circumstances allow, and notify them when it arrives at a decision.

    What is the proper procedure to address the board of education?

    • After being recognized to speak, the individual may approach the podium.
    • Individuals addressing the board should state their names, along with the organizations, if any, that they represent.
    • Comments may be limited to three (3) minutes per person, per Board Policy 2:230. Written comments may be given to the secretary to the board of education for distribution to members of the board.
    • The president of the board maintains order during the meeting and calls an end to comments and discussion when appropriate.

Board of Education Brochure

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