Acceleration, Gifted & Talented Education

  • Philosophy

    District 115 is committed to providing a range of educational programs that meet the various learning needs of our students. Acceleration is one of the best practices to meet the needs of our gifted/talented/high ability students and occurs when a student moves through a traditional curriculum at faster rates than typical. Acceleration means matching the level and complexity of the curriculum with the readiness and motivation of the student. 

  • Instructional  Goals

    • Provide access to appropriate curriculum through enrichment and/or acceleration
    • Inspire lifelong learning that nurtures curiosity, creativity, and confidence
    • Support the social, emotional, and intellectual growth of the accelerated learner
    • Educate and support the professional learning of staff and community


    Illinois and District 115 Policy

    • "Accelerated placement" means the placement of a child in an educational setting with a curriculum that is usually reserved for children who are older or in higher grades than the child. Accelerated placement is not limited to those children who have been identified as gifted and talented, but rather is open to all children who demonstrate high ability and who may benefit from accelerated placement. 105 ILCS 5.
    • District 115 Board of Education Policy 6:135 
  • Department Staff


    Ashley Badger
    Gifted/Accelerated &
    Extended Learning
    Opportunities Coordinator
    Director of Camp Imagination 

    Sarah Marker
    Gifted Resource Teacher

    Megan Stemmet
    Gifted Resource Teacher

    Michelle Curran
    Gifted Resource Teacher